Shop Charbon

5672 Rapid Run
Cincinnati OH
Booth: 7
Company Description:
Our parents are the inspiration for Shop Charbon. My Dad was Charles (Chuck) and Mom was Bonnie- hence Charbon. We named our family home Charbon. It was a 100-year old house that they were constantly working on and put a lot of love, hard work and passion into. Mom loved to refinish antiques and Dad was the landscaper and clothes horse. My sister and I have always been shopping mavens looking for the best bargains while seeking the latest in fashion.Growing up with our amazing parents sparked a fire inside of us to start a business of our own. We are blessed to have been shown a strong work ethic that has been super helpful in starting this business. But why a clothing store you might ask? Our clothes were not always new but we always had an eye for fashion. Clothes were always important to us. We have always enjoyed sharing clothes even when I would be looking for my favorite pair of red jeans and I went out and saw her best friend with them on! My sister and I are both super outgoing people and love helping people. We both relish putting outfits together and getting dressed up. Opening up our own business is our childhood dream that we simply never let go of.
I have been in commercial leasing and specifically specialty leasing for a mall developer. My true passion for the past 15 years has been helping entrepreneurs open and grow their own business. My sister has a successful property management and executive relocation service company. This is our side gig that we will be running with the assistance of some great partners.
We are both working Moms with 5 kids between us and are enthusiastic to start Shop Charbon. We know the agony and pain of not having anything to wear and are here to make your life easier. Fashion should be fun not frustrating! Our goal is to help our friends, family and new shoppers fashionable yet affordable clothing and accessories.